• inclement weather

    Inclement Weather Policy

    We understand that the decision to close or delay school due to inclement weather has a significant impact on families. Our top priority is the students’ safety. After careful consideration of all relevant factors including: road conditions, weather forecasts, building maintenance and discussions with area school districts’ transportation offices, the decision to close or delay school is made by the Superintendent of Schools.

    Keeping you informed is always a priority. You will be notified via telephone message, email and text to all parents and guardians providing information about school closings or delays due to inclement weather or emergencies.

    Hasbrouck Heights Public Schools



    The superintendent of schools is authorized by the Board of Education to close schools, open them late or dismiss them early in hazardous weather or in extraordinary circumstances which might endanger the health or safety of pupils or school employees.


    Dismissal times:

    (No lunch will be served)

    Pre-K and Kindergarten 12:30

    Grades 1-5 12:35

    High School Middle School 12:24

    After school KEYS and sports are canceled.


    • All before school activities to include the KEYS Program are cancelled.
    • Students will still be provided a lunch period, with Maschio's working under normal operation.
    • The superintendent of schools will start the automated phone system (It is extremely important that your contact information is up to date).
    • Information is also posted on the district web site and Genesis.
    • The following news outlets are notified: WOR, WCBS, WINS, NJ12,WVNJ, Ch. 2, 4, 5, & 7.
    • Before school programs are cancelled (KEYS, Extra Help, etc.).
    • See below for school specific instructions.



    • Administrative and Secretarial Staff reports at 9:30 AM.
    • Any Faculty/Staff working AM Playground report at 9:40 AM.
    • Student drop off may begin at 9:50 AM.
    • Teaching staff reports at 10:00 AM.
    • Classes start at 10:10 AM.


    • Drop off may begin at 9:50 AM, with all classes starting at 10:10 AM.
    • Dismissal will remain 3:03PM (Pre-K and K) and 3:08 PM (Grades 1-5).



    • All before school activities to include the KEYS Program are cancelled.
    • Students will still be provided a lunch period, with Maschio's working under normal operation.
    • Administrative staff reports at 9:30 AM.
    • Faculty assigned to AM Duty report at 9:30 AM.
    • Student drop off may begin at 9:40 AM.
    • Teaching staff reports at 9:50 AM.
    • Period 1: 10 AM to 10:23 AM.
    • Period 4: 10:23 AM - Follow regular full day schedule.


    • Drop off may begin at 9:40 AM, with all classes starting at 10:00 AM.
    • Period 1: 10 AM to 10:23 AM.
    • Period 4: 10:23 AM - Follow regular full day schedule.

    In case of an emergency closing prior to the start of the day the following procedures will be followed:

    • The superintendent of schools will start the automated phone system. (It is extremely important that your contact information is up to date)
    • The following news outlets are notified-WOR, WCBS, WINS, NJ12, WVNJ, Ch. 2, 4, 5 & 7.
    • Information is also posted on the district website and Genesis.

    In case of an emergency occurring during the school day the following procedures will be implemented:

    • The superintendent of schools will start the automated phone system. (It is extremely important that your contact information is up to date).
    • Information is also posted on the district website and Genesis.


    In order to provide the highest level of safety during arrival and dismissal, we ask for your cooperation in the following matters:


    • We ask that no student arrive at school earlier than 8:00 AM. There is no supervision before that time.
    • If your child walks to school, please remind them to cross only at the corners and to follow the instructions of the crossing guards. Whenever possible, please utilize the walking school bus.
    • When using the “20 second drop off” area in the morning, please make sure that your child exits your car on the curbside by the playground on Burton Avenue, which is the only drop-off zone for both Euclid and Lincoln School. Do not park or pause in the crosswalks. In addition, do not double park.
    • In the event of inclement weather, students should report to the gym. They will line up at their homeroom locations, and will be brought to their classroom by a designated staff member.
    • We ask that parents and guardians cooperate with these rules in order not to disrupt instruction and to insure the safety of the children.