• Mission Statement

    The mission of the Hasbrouck Heights School District is to focus on student development within a safe, supportive environment that promotes self-discipilne, motivation, and excellence in learning.

     Vision Statements


    Hasbrouck Heights School District believes that learning is measured by the integrity and achievement of its students

    • Students will become independent and self-sufficient citizens, who will succeed and contribute responsibly in a global society.

    • Students will be accountable for their work and behavior.

    • Students will take pride in their school and community.

    • Students will have mutual respect for the different learning styles, strengths, needs and challenges of others.

    • Students will be actively engaged in the learning process through diversified classroom activities that challenge all learners.

    • Students will be 21st century, college and career ready.



    The Hasbrouck Heights School District believes in the value of a diverse community and is actively involved in efforts to promote and create partnerships that celebrate the qualities and individuals that make our community unique.

    • Parents/guardians are actively involved in all aspects of the educational process.

    • Community service promotes effective partnerships with community stakeholders.

    • District and local government connections are apparent through various collaborative efforts.

    • The district establishes effective relationships with various educational institutions.



    The Hasbrouck Heights School District believes that technology plays an integral role in improving the quality of instruction and supports learning by providing students and staff with the tools necessary to affect the mission of the district.

    • District enhances student learning through the use of technology tools.

    • Students will learn effective communication, research, presentation, and personal productivity skills through the effective application of technology.

    • Students will use digital tools to access, manage, evaluate, and synthesize information in order to solve problems individually and collaborate to create and communicate knowledge.

    • Students will develop an understanding of the nature and impact of technology as they relate to the individual and a global society.



    The Hasbrouck Heights School District will provide each student with a diverse education, aligned with New Jersey Core Content Curriculum and Common Core Standards

    • The curriculum reflects the District’s commitment to innovation, continuous improvement, andexcellence.

    • The teachers will maintain the curriculum to reflect changes in standards in order to meet the instructional needs of students.

    • The curriculum provides students with the tools necessary to become 21st Century College and Career ready.

    • The district will provide ongoing professional development to support the effectiveness of the curriculum and to strengthen instruction.

    • The curriculum cultivates active student learning.